2016 Lewisi High Percentage Hatchling

Video Coming Soon
Animal: C3
Family: Iguanas
Genus: Archived - Cyclura Lewisi
Availability: SOLD

2016 Lewisi High Percentage Hatchling

Sold 10295/Lewisi-C3-3.jpg

Lineage - Adult Examples

Whenever possible we like to show pictures of what adults look like so that you may have a better impression on what your reptile will look like when grown. While each animal is unique, you can see given time what you should expect.

Adult Male /Iguanas/Cyclura/Lewisi/Female-Lewisi-C3.jpg
Adult Female

2016 Lewisi High Percentage Hatchling

I have been breeding Lewisi iguanas for about thirty years now, I have some very high percentage animals that I have breed of the years.

On this page you can see some of the brothers and sisters Parents and grandparents on this page this is the line originally from Life Fellowship that I have been breeding.


They produce some incredible blue babies as you can see in the pictures


Our Collection of Cyclura Iguanas goes back to the early eighties


We were fortunate enough to obtain some of the nicest Iguanas from Life Fellowship Church their expertise and experience reached back into the Sixties.

Ramon Nugel and Greg Moss were some of the very first if not the first to successfully breed Cyclura Iguanas.

Needless to say they had the nicest animals


There came a time when Life Fellowship Church started selling off their animals, also located in Florida I was fortunate enough to obtain some of the nicest animals.


This line of Lewisi Hybrid iguanas are some of the most sought after animals in today’s market.


Higher percentage and lower percentage Hybrids has all to do with how close their genetics are to the animals in their natural habitat

Lewisi hybrids are lower percentage Lewisi blue iguanas. Typically the lower percentage yields less blue. If you compare the High Percentage Lewisi hybrids on this site to the Lewisi hybrids you can see the difference in quantity and quality of blue. Lewisi Iguanas have flatter more wedge shaped heads, unlike the Cubans who’s nose rolls off round at the tip.
There are different sub species mixes you can have to give you a hybrid. You can cross Cayman Brac with Lewisi or you can cross Cuban with Lewis and you can mix all three,
Cuban, Cayman and Lewisi.
