
Aldabra Tortoises & Setting Them Up




Hello Sam,

I purchased an Aldabra from you last November. He/she has been doing really well! Eats great and gaining weight that I’ve been tracking. Today I went to grab him to put him outside for the day. I bring him in due to the raccoons and possums we have and him being still small. As I went to grab him, I noticed small noises I hadn’t ever heard. I am unsure if he had just drank water that could have caused this b

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Treating Tortoises for Constipation


Treating tortoises for constipation, 04/11/2024 Ver#2 

Its not unusual for Aldabras to get constipated or a partial blockage when they get cold. Their GI slows down, the movement of the GI system virtually stops peristalsis below 60 degrees. 

This causes bloating, gas and pain. 


Giant Tortoise are very susceptible to bloat and constipation, but it is often misdiagnosed as a respiratory illness. 


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Femoral Pores Blocked in Iguanas


Hey Sam! 

I got a what I thought was a female but I believe is male now that I noticed femoral pores that look like are backed up. Do you recommend helping them expel them or what do I suggest I do? 

-Ivan Camacho 



Hi Ivan check out my article on that subject 


Iguana femoral pore plugs are like little earwax ports  that can sometimes get stuck and build up . This

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Sulcata tortoise shell Chipping Off


Joseph H

Please advise what I can do on my tortoises shell it’s peeling or chipping off. It’s been like that a couple years should we fiberglass it any ideas. Previous owner said it happened from trying to go underneath the fence in a cow pasture.



The treatment depends on how active that site is now.

it looks like some of the old parts of the shell may actually be flaking

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Sick Yellowfoot Tortoise




My name is Caden. I don't know if you will be able to help. I have an adult Yellowfoot that is sick and has the vet stumped. The skin around her neck, shoulders, and rearend is peeling, white/yellow, broken open in places, and has an awful smell. The infection has spread to her eyes. She can't really open them, and I haven't seen her eat recently. I have her separated now, but the illness has not spread to any of m

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Differences Between Sulcata Tortoises & Aldabra Tortoises




I have been considering getting an aldabra tortoise for a while now. Might be ready to finally go for it with the next group of hatchlings you have coming in. I have a few questions:


1. I have a 12 year old female sulcata tortoise. She is very mellow compared to the behavior I hear other people describe for their Sulcatas (doesn't dig and will just stop if she comes up against any sort of barrier).

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Blue Cuban was the Best Pet Investment for Me!


Brandon K:

Hi Sam,  I just wanted to let you know that Bowzer has become a very close pet.  He loves attention and expects to be held and pet every day, so I'll sit down a couple times a day and just hold him for 20 minutes or so.  He is beyond's like he is part of the family.  He loves cucumber and collards and his tortoise pellets.  He doesn't have much of a sweet tooth, but loves the Rep-Cal iguana food as a treat ev

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How I treat Mouth Rot in Aldabras



Hi Sam,

Been a follower of your channel for a few years now, and I'm grateful for the wealth of knowledge you've shared on your channel as well as others.


I have a question about a tortoise of mine, except we're scaling down the size a little(a lot). 


I live in Tennessee and spring is just about here. My russian torts are coming out of brumation and cruising around. I noticed one

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What to Do: Are my Aldabras Sick?



Q: Good day sir. I want to ask

I have 2 Aldabras.
I live in Indonesia.
Sometimes in the morning they get some foaming at their mouth.
I give them medicine for 3 months until now.
I dont hear a clicking noise, but sometimes there are some bubbles, that come from their mouth (you can see in the beginning of the 2nd vidio, my 2nd aldabra)
They have good appetite and active.
I dont

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Fences & Giant Tortoises


Q: How high should the fence be to contain an adult ?

A: I would build the Aldabra fence higher than the Galop fence.
Also it depends on what the fence is made of. A blind fence (a fence they can't see through) for a galop; maybe 3 feet, but it depends on the animal's size. For Aldabras, make the fence higher. They are more mischievous than the Galops, 
plus they will pile in the corner and jump on each other to get

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Sudden Death in Tortoises



Hello, my name is Joseph. I live in Ghana(West Africa) and i am a Veterinarian. I am a small pet practitioner but recently undergoing wildlife training in a resort. Most of what i am learning is hands-on field experience. There is no senior vet on site so I basically use my knowledge in veterinary medicine and also consult. They are 5 tortoises on site; 2 aduts and 3 young ones. The young ones; 1 is 8 months and the other 2, 6 months. One of the younger ones

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Aldabras in the UK



Hi Sam 

I am in the UK and have 4 Aldabra tortoises ,I have been watching you on instagram and check out your website .I know you are in Florida and I also have a home in Florida but with things right now will hopefully fingers-crossed be going out in July 

I think I have a problem with one of my tortoises I purchased her last year and the seller told me she was around 7 .She is lovely her shell is not great but I am hoping t

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Sulcatas & Cage Mates


Isadore H.

Hi. I have a Sulcata tortoise that is about 9 months old. I want to get a second one. Is there any other type that can co-exist with mine or am i limited to to Sulcatas only? 
Thanks, izzy



I believe you are best off not integrating sulcatas with other species.


They are a very outgoing, thriving tortoises, they are incredibly active and have lots of p

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Interested in Aldabra Hatchling



Hi Sam,

Happy New Year.


I am interested in buying an Aldabra hatchling, in your care sheet behavior section it is mentioned Aldabras are social and do best when they have company, I cannot buy two at once, the next one will be in 2022-23, my questions are as follows.


I buy a hatchling now, the next one will be at the end of 2022 by then the one I will have will be bigger in size than the new hatch

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Redfoot Baby: Is he sick?



Hello Sam. I’m having some issues, so it seems, with the young tortoise. She has a “cough” or more of a chirping sound since she arrived. When she starts to do it her breathing quickens and jerks her head in the shell. She also has been rubbing her face and eyes. Her setup is a rubber tub, cypress mulch floor, a 100 watt CHE, a small heat pad on the wall next to a humid hide box. Temps range from 76-78 cool side87-92 warm side. She has been ea

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Different Deposit & Layaway Options



I’m interested in #N10. He’s on sale for $1,995. I’ve read your lay way plan. Is there a specific amount I need to pay monthly? Looking forward to hearing back from you Sam :).



That sale is a "day sale", which means he has to be paid for. No layaway on that animal because of the deep discount.


The Christmas sale is a $200 discount and you

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J99 / K2 and the Layaway Process




I’m interested in either J99 or K2 but had a couple of questions I’m hoping you can help me with. 

Do you have adult Aldabras with multi-scute that I can reference to what it would look like as an adult? Can you provide photos of the multi-scutes on these individual Aldabras, J-99 & K2? At what age can you determine sex? 

Lastly, how do your layaway plans work? Do I have a set time

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Picking a Pet Iguana



I am inquiring about which is better to have as a pet male or female blue cuban?



Hi Becky, nice to meet you. It depends on what you are looking for in a Pet Iguana.



People like males because they grow bigger than females, often by four feet long and 20-25 pounds.

They have bold features; long spi

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Whats Available on Tortoises?




I follow you on Instagram and just saw the video that you have specials on tortoises $200-$600 off. However, am not clear on what’s available with that sale.  If you can provide a list. 

There’s also a sale on juvenile hatchlings but what’s available? If you can provide a list that would be great.

Are there females and males available. I understand that large tortoises genders c

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Exercising Your Tortoise


Sabar: hey i have a juvenile aldabra tortoise and i want him to exercise how do i can to make him exercise

Sam: Hi. You have to have sufficient room, temp and sunlight. That being said, environmental stimulation also enhances activity. Such as hills and different substrates. When those elements are focused together, your tortoise will behave normally, stay active, and naturally healthy.

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Purchasing Two Aldabras



Hi Sam,

I have been researching Aldabras for years and I think I am financially ready to take the plunge but I still have a one big concern that I just can't seem to find adequate answers for.  I do have other torts...I am not an expert but this isn't my first endeavor.


I live in Colorado.  I have a large backyard (one acre lot) and we plan to move further out of town in a year or two, so space isn't re

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Does this Look like a Need for Concern?



Hi Sam, this is a pic I took from the belly of my sulcata. Is this a concern I need to deal with? Or is this just from all the rain we have had recently? Thanks for your expert advice!



I believe you should treat that.

That is a Scud Fungus; it slowly grows on their shells eating away at them. Most times it is just defiguring, but sometimes it can become pathagenic.


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Aldabra Layaway Program Questions



Hello. Checking to see if this service is still available and when you expect your next hatchlings to be ready for sale?

I’m interested in a ‘near perfect’ to ‘perfect’ scute 6-7” tortoise. 

Would it be best to wait until spring for a hatchling due to my climate in Oklahoma, or does this matter as much as I’ll be keeping it indoors until it’s a juvenile/ per your recs as to

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Question About Sub-Adult Aldabra



Hello Sam


This is Brian Im planing to add some aldabra project in my here 

got some question about those 20 '' around sub adult aldabra you have

Are they able to breed in next year ? How many clutch and eggs are they usually produce ? 

Bases they need large environment to keep what else do they special need 


Thank you for your time 


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How to handle shy tortoises


Q: Anyone who has or has had a juvenile Aldabra who can tell me how long it takes for them to not be scared of everything?
Mine is constantly on the run and doesn't slow down until he finds food or his hiding place. Do they eventually grow out of this?

A:  Hi Julian each animal is an individual, yes they do eventually lose their shyness as they get older.

Females are typically shyer then males.


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